Platinum Jubilee Fest
Join Government House in celebrating Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II’s Platinum Jubilee with music, refreshments and festivity!

The Lieutenant Governor’s BC Journalism Fellowship

Champions for Equality: Tamara Pongracz and Tina Strehlke
Equality and Inclusion
Tamara Pongracz is opening doors to new types of careers for women, while Tina Strehlke is empowering female leadership. Meet today’s Champions for Equality…

Join us for the 2020 New Year’s Day Levée!
Government House
Join us at Government House for the annual New Years Day Levee

Celebrating 50: Marking a Milestone in the Road to 2SLGBTQ+ Equality
Equality and Inclusion
I’m pleased to announce the Celebrating 50 project, an initiative highlighting the 50th anniversary of the decriminalization of homosexuality in Canada, a historic milestone in the journey to equal rights for 2SLGBTQ+ Canadians

First Annual Report of MacDuff Austin-Chester, Vice Regal Canine Consort
MacDuff, the Vice Regal Canine Consort, is pleased to share his official report of his first year (and a bit) in office

Lieutenant Governor to visit Prince George
On Friday, April 12, 2019, the Honourable Janet Austin, Lieutenant Governor of British Columbia, will commence her first official visit to Prince George

Announcing the Lieutenant Governor’s Medal for Inclusion, Democracy and Reconciliation
Eligibility for the Lieutenant Governor’s Medal for post-secondary students has been expanded to recognize those with outstanding contributions in support of inclusion, democracy or reconciliation

Apply for the 2019 Stewards of the Future Session
The Honourable Janet Austin, Lieutenant Governor of British Columbia, supported by the Government House Foundation, has launched the fifth year of Stewards of the Future, a program to promote stewardship and environmental awareness among youth

Lieutenant Governor to be presented with the first poppy of the Royal Canadian Legion’s 2018 Poppy Campaign
Media are invited to join the Honourable Janet Austin, Lieutenant Governor of British Columbia, as she is presented with the first poppy of the Royal Canadian Legion B.C./Yukon Command’s 2018 poppy campaign

Notice of Temporary Front Gate Closure

The 2018 British Columbia Lieutenant Governor’s Wine Awards
Learn more about the 2018 judges for the BC Lieutenant Governor’s Wine Awards

Office of the Lieutenant Governor: Activity Report, April-June 2018
Highlights of the Lieutenant Governor’s calendar and initiatives throughout April to June, 2018

Lieutenant Governor to present Sing Me A Song award to The Gardens Choir in Qualicum Beach
The Honourable Janet Austin, Lieutenant Governor of British Columbia, will present The Gardens Choir in Qualicum Beach with their award for winning the open category for this year’s Sing Me A Song program

Lieutenant Governor to present Sing Me A Song award to Fraser Valley Children’s Chorus in Yarrow
The Honourable Janet Austin, Lieutenant Governor of British Columbia, will present the Cantabile Choir of the Fraser Valley Children’s Chorus in Yarrow (Chilliwack) with their award for winning the Under 18 category for this year’s Sing Me A Song program

Lieutenant Governor to present Sing Me A Song award to Campus View Elementary School in Victoria
The Honourable Janet Austin, Lieutenant Governor of British Columbia, will present the Campus View Elementary in Victoria with their award for winning the Under 11 category for this year’s Sing Me A Song program
Social Media

Installation of the 30th Lieutenant Governor of British Columbia

A Farewell Message from the Honourable Judith Guichon, 29th Lieutenant Governor of British Columbia
A farewell message from the Honourable Judith Guichon upon the completion of her mandate as Lieutenant Governor

The Honourable Judith Guichon welcomes Lieutenant Governor-designate Janet Austin
The Honourable Judith Guichon has offered her congratulations to Ms. Janet Austin O.B.C, on the announcement of her appointment to be the 30th Lieutenant Governor of British Columbia