The second recipient of the new Lieutenant Governor’s BC Journalism Fellowship is is Kim Bolan, an experienced and award-winning journalist who has covered gangs in British Columbia for the past 25 years.
The fellowship was offered and designed to provide a working journalist the opportunity to develop a well-substantiated, long-form piece of journalism to shed light on a subject of importance to British Columbians.
Bolan has been awarded funds to produce a series of articles on the increasing international tentacles of BC gangs and organized crime groups. Building on her years of experience covering gangs at home, Bolan will travel to some of the places these organized crime groups have expanded, and she will examine the effectiveness of Canada’s efforts to tackle organized crime.
“I am honoured to receive this fellowship,” Ms. Bolan said, “and look forward to digging deeper into the reach of local gangs and organized crime groups that operate far beyond our borders. I also hope to explore solutions to the gang violence that has plagued our region for almost two decades,”
Bolan’s work is slated to be published in the Vancouver Sun/Post Media in early 2024.
“Postmedia is dedicated to ambitious journalism exploring issues most critical to BC. This project by investigative reporter Kim Bolan will examine the global reach of the province’s criminal organizations and why it can be difficult to put gang leaders behind bars here at home,” said Harold Munro, Editor-in-Chief of the Vancouver Sun/The Province. “I’m grateful for the Lieutenant Governor’s continued support of the critical role played by local journalism in our democracy and constructive civic engagement.”
Learn more about the Lieutenant Governor’s BC Journalism Fellowship.