COVID-19 Updates for Visitors to Government House


In light of the updated orders and direction from the Provincial Health Officer as of November 19, 2020,  we have made the difficult decision to close the grounds of Government House effective as of sunset, November 20, 2020. The grounds will remain closed to the public until December 4, 2020; the re-opening of the grounds will be determined by the guidance of the Public Health Officer at that time.

It has become increasingly challenging to monitor gatherings at Government House and there have been increased incidents involving group activities in contradiction to provincial health recommendations. Due to direct concerns expressed by the Chief Medical Officer of Island Health and in light of the new guidelines from the Provincial Health Officer, we must close out of an abundance of caution to ensure the safety of all British Columbians. Only those involved in the ongoing renovation project will be permitted entry to the property.

We will miss our Friends, neighbours and visitors, and we understand that Government House provides a sanctuary to many. However, COVID-19 can travel quickly through a community, and we wish to provide the utmost support to the province in fighting the spread of this virus.

Government House encourages all British Columbians to stay home, stay safe and be kind.

 For any questions, please contact or find more information on current province-wide restrictions.